'This is the assurance Jesus takes with him every day, that he is loved beyond measure by his Father. In that confidence he can do anything – and does. If only we had the courage to hear that affirmation for ourselves as well. So quickly we are down on ourselves, believing that we weren’t there when the gifts were handed out, that we fail because in fact we are failures, that God has other favoured ones. But God has created every one of us loved. His word to us is the same as to Jesus – you are beloved; believe that and let it soak into your life every day. If you are struggling, remember and be strengthened. If you are flying, remember and celebrate. But never forget (says God), I’m thrilled with you.' – John Pritchard, Bishop of Oxford
‘Dear Child of God, in our world it is often hard to remember that God loves you just as you are. God loves you not because you are good. No, God loves you period. God loves us not because we are loveable. No, we are loveable precisely because God loves us. It is marvellous when you come to understand that you are accepted for who you are, apart from any achievement. It is so liberating.’ – Desmond Tutu
‘In one of our communities, there is a man called Pierre who has a [learning disability]. One day someone asked him, “Do you like praying?” He answered, “Yes.” He was asked what he did when he prayed. He answered, “I listen.” “And what does God say to you?” “He says, ‘You are my beloved son.’” – Jean Vanier, L'Arche