Saturday 12 December 2020

on having the courage to show our true selves

The leaves have pretty much all dropped from the trees in the park. I have loved how the long, warm sunlight of autumn strikes them and brings such vividness to their gold, russet and bronze tones against the deep blue of the sky. Show me a painting in a gallery as uplifting and bedazzling as that.

You may have thought, like me, that the leaf colours of autumn signify their death. But this is not so. Our resident horticulturist tells me that when the green fades, each leaf reveals its true colour: one that was there all along. The chlorophyl that allows a tree to convert light to energy is what makes the leaf green. Once the tree has no need to do that, the green fades and the leaves reveals their hidden selves.

What does it take for us to show our true self to the world? — the one that is hidden under the pretences and masks we put on, so the world doesn’t see who we really are. The way we dress and act and talk which sometimes arises from a fear of being judged by others for who we really are. God wants to help us trust in him enough to not worry about the opinions of others but instead to drop our false selves to become the dazzling individual that is beloved by God and created in his image. And when we do so, we notice how much closer to God we feel. 

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