Friday 18 December 2020

on predicting the future

This time last year we had just had a General Election. In the run-up to the vote, candidates made all sorts of promises based on their predictions for the future. What nobody was counting on was a global pandemic that swiftly changed priorities and left some election promises in tatters. We fool ourselves when we assume that life always stays on the same trajectory.

As Christians, we have a very particular expectation about what the future will bring, based on our hope in a loving and faithful God. The last book in the Bible, the Revelation of St John, paints a wonderful picture of God’s future kingdom: A place where people will hunger and thirst no more; where the shepherd will guide them to drink from the deep waters of life. Where the home of God is among mortals, and he will dwell with them and wipe every tear from their eyes. No more mourning or crying or pain. A place where the tree of life bears life-giving fruit, and its leaves are 
for the healing of the nations (Revelation 21.1-4 & 22.1-5).

What a powerful and exciting vision of the future. It is not a shallow promise made by people who cannot predict the future, but is God’s promise of a new kingdom where domination of the powerless by the powerful will end and God will reign amongst his people. This is the manifesto that Jesus announced when he said, ‘The kingdom of God is at hand.’

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